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Unlocking the Potential: Learning and Development with KGPS GLOBAL

Learning and Development

It is often said that play is fundamental for children. Learning through experience helps children develop socially and cognitively, as well as helping them work through fears and anxieties. While this comes naturally to children, adult involvement in play helps provide rich and challenging resources as a positive intervention to support learning, as well as protecting from harm.

Contexts for learning are therefore important as they set the stage for children to develop understanding through real-life activities and imaginary play.

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How can you help as parents?

As parents, your involvement in fun activities with your child at home plays a crucial role in supporting their learning and development, leaving a lasting impact on their educational journey. Engaging in conversation, even with young children who may not yet speak, aids in their comprehension of new words and concepts. By dedicating time each day to these activities, you can significantly boost your child's confidence as a young learner. Success as a parent doesn't require extraordinary intelligence or academic credentials; rather, it necessitates having a framework and a dream, as emphasized by Michael Dell, the Founder of Dell.

Our Faculty

At "KinderGarten," we ensure that our faculty is trained in the best possible manner, fully prepared for their responsibilities. In addition to possessing educational qualifications and undergoing training, we prioritize warmth and caring in their approach. Our teachers are supported by dedicated staff, and we regularly conduct in-service training sessions to keep them updated on the latest trends in early childhood education and care.

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Our Class Rooms

Our classrooms feature spacious dimensions, providing ample room for students and addressing the issue of overcrowding often found in many conventional schools in India. The furniture in each classroom is adaptable, allowing for different arrangements to support group discussions, collaborative work, and lectures. Additionally, each classroom is equipped with sufficient storage facilities to accommodate teaching materials and students' belongings.